Sunday, July 24, 2011


Goodwill never struck me as a killer app.  Either you donate there or you shop there, seldom both...  It seems broken in a feudalistic way.

The "e" in e-Bay might as well stand for "egalitarian."

Buy:  I paid $16.98 for pre-owned jeans I had been planning to pay $100 for *on sale.* Sure, this won't work for every item.  I shudder to think what I might have paid in shipping for the $300 recliner MacGyver and I found in a local consignment shop.  But it's enough to make you run a quick e-Bay search before clicking "checkout" on larger ticket items.

Sell: e-Bay has a giant network of trading assistants to help you move your cast-offs with less hassle and more kickbacks than you would see with a Goodwill errand or intrepid listing on Craigslist.  If the Haunted House is still offering up curiosities after closing next month, I might become a TA myself...  Buyer's remorse is paying $10 for a vintage Maxwell House coffee can (operation Audrey III), only to see a half dozen identical articles languishing in the house during the inspection... At the very least, I can engage a local broker should I come across extraneous corporate swag that commands a good price in certain circles.



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