Monday, November 11, 2013


The grey water laundry cistern saga continues.

At this point, we've given up on hoses because they clog with dryer lint too quickly.  We had been running an above ground pvc pipeline to the lemon tree, but Magyver's diagnosis was that it was getting over watered.  So now the line is rotated on its axis and watering a (somewhat stressed looking) ginger root.

We had a terracotta planter as a rudimentary form of drainage filter, but its one hole in the bottom seemed to get clogged up overly often.  Now we're trying using the two plastic buckets the blueberries from monrovia came from as a filter.  These have a couple drainage holes and when they're nested, you can offset the holes from each other and create a diy lint trap of sorts.  That said, the works is a bit large to fit in the varied topography of the bottom of the water softener cistern we're using.  Also of note, we added an electrical line so that we can fish the filter up if things get crazy and the cistern is still largely full of water.


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