Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 Day challenge recap: bikes to work and blog posts

The content may have suffered, but with the backlog/catch up clause, 30 days of blogging is possible, if mostly loaded onto weekends.  It doesn't seem to have made much headway on home improvement projects as originally anticipated.  The "throw a party and cram to prepare for it" approach seems to be quite a bit more effective.

In terms of biking, this turned out to be far harder than expected.  I prefer bike commuting.  However, I discovered some hiccups along the way that I haven't fully ironed out a strategy to overcome.  For instance, wanting to rest after having biked to San Diego over the weekend, inclement weather, very early meetings and work obligations offsite.  My general sense that the bike home on less bike-friendly roads in the dark was not worth the hazard, but I did make some progress in finding marginally safer/faster paths.  I pulled off 6 trips, which is more than I had wracked up over the rest of the past year and I finish them in far less ragged and bruised shape than the inaugural rides.  I will keep chipping away at this, if only to increment "steps" on my fitbit, but will give myself a break on every day adherence for the time being.

Next up:  

Makeup challenge:  wear some amount of makeup daily for 30 days.  MacGyver says this is silly, and he may be right.  I wanted an "easier" challenge chaser as the last two felt pretty brutal compared to Mormon challenge and recording spend.  It may be an interesting one to explore the psychological effects-- it isn't quite as much of an all in financial commitment as say, "dressing fancy." I'm sort of curious if my skin is still inclined to breakouts that made makeup challenging in my teens and early 20's.  

15 min cleans per day challenge:  this is sort of an extension of blogging.  I got more peace of mind out of the Sink Reflections style 15 minutes of tidying than I did from blogging about projects and what not daily.  While this won't cover big home improvement undertakings, it might at least make it feel like the house isn't backsliding into chaos.  


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